Tuesday, February 1, 2011

day 1: icy tuesday.

cardigan: american eagle, ruffled tank: old navy, skirt: old navy, tights: kohls, boots: hunter
 o.m.g. today was a crazy day. i fell asleep so early last night without finalizing my 30 for 30 picks. so obviously i had to do that today. between cooking, naptime, potty training ayayayy. plus the pile of my clothes that's still on the bed. wow all i can say is i found new respect for all the fashion bloggers out there. this is not easy at all. i had such a hard time picking my 30 pieces. i was also shocked for a girl who doesn't wear black, my winter clothes are pretty much gray, green, blue and brown. which is another reason why it took me so long because i wanted to incorporate some colors. as you can see a red sweater, a pink dress shirt, and red shoes. how sad?! also, i wear a lot of tanks and undershirts, like a lot. as you can see my chest are not on the small side so you know what i'm talking about. acc. to kendi it's entirely up to you to include them so i chose not to. (but i will be including them in the caption) so today's a gloomy and icy day. really bad lighting for photos esp. in our bedroom where i took photos of all the clothes. and then there's that first outfit. my hubby's so busy with his videogame and didn't want to leave the room. with bad lighting and bad angle, all the photos he took had this really wierd back shadow/outline on my whole body. since i'm wearing dark, skirt, tights and boots, the shadow looked like it's part of my body making me look wider. (than i already am esp. thigh area)
so anyway, good thing i have my tripod, remote thingie for cam and lovely assitant to get some ok shots. here are some behind the scenes. lol.


i'd love to hear your thoughts and make new friends!!
lots of love,

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