Tuesday, November 23, 2010

wardrobe resolution.

so for the past few month i haven't been shopping. you know, just in case i get preggy. i should've bought that leather jacket. darn it. well anyway it's not an excuse for not putting any thoughts on my wardrobe. whatevs.
1. get some pjs that are long - make that super long because apparently all the pjs i own are ankle legnth on me. am i that tall?
2. do not keep nail polish on for more than 2 weeks.
3. bye bye bangs
4. wear more skirts
5. don't wear jeans too much
6. get and go through winter clothes. make that all clothes
7. start wearing black??? hmmm....
8. mix and match patterns
9. buy more cardigans
10. curl hair more
11. watches need new batteries
12. stop wearing j's hoodies eventhough they're super comfy
13. dress up more on holidays and cooking is not an excuse

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